Appendix D — Environment and R Packages


November 6, 2024

D.1 Environment

This book was built using

  • R version R version 4.4.1 (2024-06-14).
  • RStudio version ‘2024.04.2 Build 764’
  • Quarto: 1.5.55
  • OS: Darwin, 24.0.0, Darwin Kernel Version 24.0.0: Tue Sep 24 23:37:13 PDT 2024; root:xnu-11215.1.12~1/RELEASE_ARM64_T8112, AU-macbook.local, arm64, root, rressler, rressler

D.2 R Packages

This book uses the following non-Base R packages as of 2024-11-04.

                         Package    Version Built
1                          abind      1.4-8 4.4.1
2                          aRxiv       0.10 4.4.0
3                    AsioHeaders   1.22.1-2 4.4.0
4                        askpass      1.2.1 4.4.1
5                     assertthat      0.2.1 4.4.0
6                        attempt      0.3.1 4.4.0
7                      attention      0.4.0 4.4.0
8                      automagic      0.5.1 4.4.0
9                      available      1.1.0 4.4.0
10                     backports      1.5.0 4.4.0
11                     base64enc      0.1-3 4.4.0
12                            BH   1.84.0-0 4.4.0
13                          bigD      0.2.0 4.4.0
14                        binman      0.1.3 4.4.0
15                   BiocManager    1.30.25 4.4.1
16                           bit      4.5.0 4.4.1
17                         bit64      4.5.2 4.4.1
18                        bitops      1.0-9 4.4.1
19                          blob      1.2.4 4.4.0
20                          brew     1.0-10 4.4.0
21                          brio      1.1.5 4.4.0
22                         broom      1.0.7 4.4.1
23                         bslib      0.8.0 4.4.0
24                        cachem      1.1.0 4.4.0
25                         callr      3.7.6 4.4.0
26                       caTools     1.18.3 4.4.1
27                    cellranger      1.1.0 4.4.0
28                      chromote      0.3.1 4.4.1
29                      classInt     0.4-10 4.4.0
30                           cli      3.6.3 4.4.0
31                         clipr      0.8.0 4.4.0
32                    clisymbols      1.2.0 4.4.0
33                   collections      0.3.7 4.4.0
34                    colorspace      2.1-1 4.4.0
35                    commonmark      1.9.2 4.4.1
36                        config      0.3.2 4.4.0
37                    conflicted      1.2.0 4.4.0
38                   containerit 4.4.1
39                         cpp11      0.5.0 4.4.1
40                        crayon      1.5.3 4.4.0
41                   credentials      2.0.2 4.4.1
42                     crosstalk      1.2.1 4.4.0
43                          crul      1.5.0 4.4.0
44                          curl      5.2.3 4.4.1
45                     cyclocomp      1.1.1 4.4.0
46                    data.table     1.16.2 4.4.1
47                           DBI      1.2.3 4.4.0
48                        dbplyr      2.5.0 4.4.0
49                       debugme      1.2.0 4.4.0
50                          desc      1.4.3 4.4.0
51                      devtools      2.4.5 4.4.0
52                     dichromat    2.0-0.1 4.4.0
53                       diffobj      0.3.5 4.4.0
54                        digest     0.6.37 4.4.1
55                       downlit      0.4.4 4.4.0
56                         dplyr      1.1.4 4.4.0
57                            DT       0.33 4.4.0
58                        dtplyr      1.3.1 4.4.0
59                        duckdb      1.1.1 4.4.1
60                      duckplyr      0.4.1 4.4.0
61                         e1071     1.7-16 4.4.1
62                      ellipsis      0.3.2 4.4.0
63                      errorist      0.1.2 4.4.0
64                      evaluate      1.0.1 4.4.1
65                         fansi      1.0.6 4.4.0
66                        farver      2.1.2 4.4.0
67                       fastmap      1.2.0 4.4.0
68                     fastmatch      1.1-4 4.4.0
69                      filelock      1.0.3 4.4.0
70                   fontawesome      0.5.2 4.4.0
71                       forcats      1.0.0 4.4.0
72                       formatR       1.14 4.4.0
73                         fresh      0.2.1 4.4.0
74                            fs      1.6.4 4.4.0
75                 futile.logger      1.4.3 4.4.0
76                futile.options      1.0.1 4.4.0
77                     gapminder      1.0.0 4.4.0
78                        gargle      1.5.2 4.4.0
79                      generics      0.1.3 4.4.0
80                     geojsonsf      2.0.3 4.4.0
81                    geometries      0.2.4 4.4.0
82                      geonames      0.999 4.4.0
83                          geos      0.2.4 4.4.0
84                          gert      2.1.4 4.4.1
85                     gganimate      1.0.9 4.4.0
86                       ggforce      0.4.2 4.4.0
87                       ggplot2      3.5.1 4.4.0
88                        ggraph      2.2.1 4.4.0
89                       ggrepel      0.9.6 4.4.1
90                     ggspatial      1.1.9 4.4.0
91                      ggthemes      5.1.0 4.4.0
92                            gh      1.4.1 4.4.0
93                        gifski   1.32.0-1 4.4.1
94                      gitcreds      0.1.2 4.4.0
95                          glue      1.8.0 4.4.1
96                         golem      0.5.1 4.4.1
97                   googledrive      2.1.1 4.4.0
98                 googlesheets4      1.1.1 4.4.0
99                  graphlayouts      1.2.0 4.4.1
100                    gridExtra        2.3 4.4.0
101                           gt     0.11.1 4.4.1
102                       gtable      0.3.5 4.4.0
103                   gutenbergr      0.2.4 4.4.0
104                        haven      2.5.4 4.4.0
105                         here      1.0.1 4.4.0
106                       hexbin     1.28.4 4.4.1
107                        highr       0.11 4.4.0
108                          hms      1.1.3 4.4.0
109                       hoardr      0.5.4 4.4.0
110                    htmltools 4.4.0
111                  htmlwidgets      1.6.4 4.4.0
112                     httpcode      0.3.0 4.4.0
113                       httpuv     1.6.15 4.4.0
114                         httr      1.4.7 4.4.0
115                        httr2      1.0.5 4.4.1
116                          ids      1.0.1 4.4.0
117                       igraph      2.1.1 4.4.1
118                          ini      0.3.1 4.4.0
119                        ISLR2      1.3-2 4.4.0
120                      isoband      0.2.7 4.4.0
121                     ISOcodes 2024.02.12 4.4.0
122                  janeaustenr      1.0.0 4.4.0
123                      janitor      2.2.0 4.4.0
124                         jpeg     0.1-10 4.4.0
125                    jquerylib      0.1.4 4.4.0
126                      jsonify      1.2.2 4.4.0
127                     jsonlite      1.8.9 4.4.1
128                   juicyjuice      0.1.0 4.4.0
129                      keyring      1.3.2 4.4.0
130                        knitr       1.48 4.4.0
131                     labeling      0.4.3 4.4.0
132                       Lahman     12.0-0 4.4.1
133                     lambda.r      1.2.4 4.4.0
134                        later      1.3.2 4.4.0
135                     lazyeval      0.2.2 4.4.0
136                       leafem      0.2.3 4.4.0
137                      leaflet      2.2.2 4.4.0
138            leaflet.providers      2.0.0 4.4.0
139                      leafpop      0.1.0 4.4.0
140                     leafsync      0.1.0 4.4.0
141                      libgeos   3.11.1-2 4.4.0
142                    lifecycle      1.0.4 4.4.0
143                        lintr      3.1.2 4.4.0
144                      lpSolve     5.6.21 4.4.1
145                    lubridate      1.9.3 4.4.0
146                       lwgeom     0.2-14 4.4.0
147                     magrittr      2.0.3 4.4.0
148                         maps      3.4.2 4.4.0
149                      mapview     2.11.2 4.4.0
150                     markdown       1.13 4.4.0
151                      memoise      2.0.1 4.4.0
152                         mime       0.12 4.4.0
153                       miniUI 4.4.0
154                       modelr     0.1.11 4.4.0
155                   modeltools     0.2-23 4.4.0
156                      munsell      0.5.1 4.4.0
157                      netstat      0.1.2 4.4.0
158                          NLP      0.3-0 4.4.0
159                 nycflights13      1.0.2 4.4.0
160                      openssl      2.2.2 4.4.1
161                      packrat      0.9.2 4.4.0
162               palmerpenguins      0.1.1 4.4.0
163                    parsedate      1.3.1 4.4.0
164                    patchwork      1.3.0 4.4.1
165                         paws      0.7.0 4.4.1
166           0.7.0 4.4.1
167 paws.application.integration      0.7.0 4.4.1
168                  paws.common      0.7.7 4.4.1
169                 paws.compute      0.7.0 4.4.1
170      0.7.0 4.4.1
171     paws.customer.engagement      0.7.0 4.4.1
172                paws.database      0.7.0 4.4.1
173      0.7.0 4.4.1
174      paws.end.user.computing      0.7.0 4.4.1
175        paws.machine.learning      0.7.0 4.4.1
176          0.7.0 4.4.1
177              paws.networking      0.7.0 4.4.1
178      0.7.0 4.4.1
179             0.7.0 4.4.1
180                          PDE     1.4.10 4.4.0
181                       pillar      1.9.0 4.4.0
182                     pkgbuild      1.4.4 4.4.0
183                    pkgconfig      2.0.3 4.4.0
184                      pkgdown      2.1.1 4.4.1
185                      pkgload      1.4.0 4.4.0
186                          PKI     0.1-14 4.4.0
187                       plotly     4.10.4 4.4.0
188                         plyr      1.8.9 4.4.0
189                          png      0.1-8 4.4.0
190                     polyclip     1.10-7 4.4.0
191                       praise      1.0.0 4.4.0
192                    precommit      0.4.3 4.4.0
193                  prettyunits      1.2.0 4.4.0
194                     processx      3.8.4 4.4.0
195                      profvis      0.4.0 4.4.1
196                     progress      1.2.3 4.4.0
197                     promises      1.3.0 4.4.0
198                        proxy     0.4-27 4.4.0
199                           ps      1.8.0 4.4.1
200                        purrr      1.0.2 4.4.0
201                       Quandl     2.11.0 4.4.0
202                     quanteda      4.1.0 4.4.1
203                       quarto      1.4.4 4.4.0
204                      R.cache     0.16.0 4.4.0
205                  R.methodsS3      1.8.2 4.4.0
206                         R.oo     1.26.0 4.4.0
207                      R.utils     2.12.3 4.4.0
208                           R6      2.5.1 4.4.0
209                         ragg      1.3.3 4.4.1
210                   rapidjsonr      1.2.0 4.4.0
211                     rappdirs      0.3.3 4.4.0
212                       raster     3.6-30 4.4.1
213                    rcmdcheck      1.4.0 4.4.0
214                 RColorBrewer      1.1-3 4.4.0
215                         Rcpp     1.0.13 4.4.0
216                RcppArmadillo   14.0.2-1 4.4.1
217                    RcppEigen 4.4.1
218                 RcppParallel      5.1.9 4.4.1
219                     RcppTOML      0.2.2 4.4.0
220                    reactable      0.4.4 4.4.0
221                       reactR      0.6.1 4.4.1
222                        readr      2.1.5 4.4.0
223                       readxl      1.4.3 4.4.0
224                      rematch      2.0.0 4.4.0
225                     rematch2      2.1.2 4.4.0
226                      remotes      2.5.0 4.4.0
227                         renv     1.0.11 4.4.1
228                         repr      1.1.7 4.4.0
229                       reprex      2.1.1 4.4.0
230                  repurrrsive      1.1.0 4.4.0
231                   reticulate     1.39.0 4.4.1
232                          rex      1.2.1 4.4.0
233                         rhub      2.0.0 4.4.0
234                        rJava     1.0-11 4.4.0
235                        rjson     0.2.23 4.4.1
236                        rlang      1.1.4 4.4.0
237                    rmarkdown       2.28 4.4.0
238                rnaturalearth      1.0.1 4.4.0
239            rnaturalearthdata      1.0.0 4.4.0
240           rnaturalearthhires 4.4.0
241                         rosm      0.3.0 4.4.0
242                     roxygen2      7.3.2 4.4.0
243                  rpivotTable      0.3.0 4.4.0
244                    rprojroot      2.0.4 4.4.0
245                    rsconnect      1.3.1 4.4.0
246                    RSelenium      1.7.9 4.4.0
247                   rstudioapi     0.17.1 4.4.1
248                       rtweet      2.0.0 4.4.0
249                    rversions      2.1.2 4.4.0
250                        rvest      1.0.4 4.4.0
251                           s2      1.1.7 4.4.0
252                         sass      0.4.9 4.4.0
253                    satellite      1.0.5 4.4.0
254                       scales      1.3.0 4.4.0
255                     searcher      0.0.7 4.4.0
256                      selectr      0.4-2 4.4.0
257                       semver      0.2.0 4.4.0
258                        servr       0.32 4.4.1
259                  sessioninfo      1.2.2 4.4.0
260                           sf     1.0-18 4.4.1
261                    sfheaders      0.4.4 4.4.0
262                        shiny      1.9.1 4.4.0
263                   shinyFiles      0.9.3 4.4.0
264                  shinythemes      1.2.0 4.4.0
265                        skimr      2.1.5 4.4.0
266                         slam     0.1-54 4.4.1
267                    snakecase     0.11.1 4.4.0
268                    SnowballC      0.7.1 4.4.0
269                       sodium      1.3.2 4.4.1
270                  sourcetools    0.1.7-1 4.4.0
271                           sp      2.1-4 4.4.0
272                     spotifyr      2.2.5 4.4.1
273                        stars      0.6-6 4.4.0
274                   starwarsdb      0.1.2 4.4.0
275                    stevedore      0.9.6 4.4.0
276                    stopwords        2.3 4.4.0
277                   stringdist     0.9.12 4.4.0
278                      stringi      1.8.4 4.4.0
279                      stringr      1.5.1 4.4.0
280                       styler     1.10.3 4.4.0
281                      svglite      2.1.3 4.4.0
282                          sys      3.4.3 4.4.1
283                      sysreqs 4.4.1
284                  systemfonts      1.1.0 4.4.0
285                    tabulapdf    1.0.5-3 4.4.0
286                tabulizerjars      1.0.1 4.4.0
287                       tcltk2     1.2-11 4.4.0
288                        terra     1.7-78 4.4.0
289                     testthat 4.4.0
290                     textdata      0.4.5 4.4.0
291                  textshaping      0.4.0 4.4.0
292                     thematic      0.1.6 4.4.0
293                       tibble      3.2.1 4.4.0
294                   tidycensus      1.6.7 4.4.1
295                    tidygraph      1.3.1 4.4.0
296                        tidyr      1.3.1 4.4.0
297                   tidyselect      1.2.1 4.4.0
298                     tidytext      0.4.2 4.4.0
299                    tidyverse      2.0.0 4.4.0
300                       tigris        2.1 4.4.0
301                   timechange      0.3.0 4.4.0
302                      tinytex       0.53 4.4.1
303                           tm     0.7-14 4.4.1
304                         tmap      3.3-4 4.4.0
305                    tmaptools      3.1-1 4.4.0
306                   tokenizers      0.3.0 4.4.0
307                  topicmodels     0.2-17 4.4.0
308                  transformer      0.2.0 4.4.0
309                   transformr      0.1.5 4.4.0
310                    triebeard      0.4.1 4.4.0
311                       tweenr      2.0.3 4.4.0
312                         tzdb      0.4.0 4.4.0
313                        units      0.8-5 4.4.0
314                   urlchecker      1.0.1 4.4.0
315                     urltools      1.7.3 4.4.0
316                      usethis      3.0.0 4.4.0
317                        usmap      0.7.1 4.4.0
318                    usmapdata      0.3.0 4.4.0
319                         utf8      1.2.4 4.4.0
320                         uuid      1.2-1 4.4.0
321                           V8      6.0.0 4.4.1
322                        vctrs      0.6.5 4.4.0
323                     versions        0.3 4.4.0
324                      viridis      0.6.5 4.4.0
325                  viridisLite      0.4.2 4.4.0
326                        vroom      1.6.5 4.4.0
327                        waldo      0.5.3 4.4.1
328                        wdman      0.2.6 4.4.0
329                    websocket      1.4.2 4.4.0
330                      whisker      0.4.1 4.4.0
331                       whoami      1.3.0 4.4.0
332                  widgetframe      0.3.1 4.4.0
333                        withr      3.0.1 4.4.0
334                           wk      0.9.4 4.4.1
335                    wordcloud        2.6 4.4.0
336                         xfun       0.48 4.4.1
337                          XML  3.99-0.17 4.4.0
338                         xml2      1.3.6 4.4.0
339                 xmlparsedata      1.0.5 4.4.0
340                        xopen      1.0.1 4.4.0
341                       xtable      1.8-4 4.4.0
342                          xts     0.14.1 4.4.1
343                         yaml     2.3.10 4.4.0
344                        yesno      0.1.3 4.4.0
345                          zip      2.3.1 4.4.0
346                          zoo     1.8-12 4.4.0

D.3 Python Environment

python:         /Users/rressler/Library/r-miniconda-arm64/envs/r-reticulate/bin/python
libpython:      /Users/rressler/Library/r-miniconda-arm64/envs/r-reticulate/lib/libpython3.10.dylib
pythonhome:     /Users/rressler/Library/r-miniconda-arm64/envs/r-reticulate:/Users/rressler/Library/r-miniconda-arm64/envs/r-reticulate
version:        3.10.14 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Mar 20 2024, 12:51:49) [Clang 16.0.6 ]
numpy:          /Users/rressler/Library/r-miniconda-arm64/envs/r-reticulate/lib/python3.10/site-packages/numpy
numpy_version:  1.26.4

NOTE: Python version was forced by RETICULATE_PYTHON