12  Considerations for Responsible Data Science


August 30, 2024


responsible data science, data science life cycle, law, policy, ethics, ethcial frameworks

12.1 Introduction

12.1.1 Learning Outcomes

  • Differentiate legal, professional, and ethical considerations.
  • Identify and interpret professional Codes of Conduct.
  • Apply Philosophical Frameworks for ethical reasoning.
  • Identify sources of potential ethical issues in Data Science.
  • Practice responsible data science from legal, professional, and ethical perspectives.

12.1.2 References:

  • See references. Other References

  • See links in the notes.

These notes provide general background to facilitate educational discussion.

They do not offer any form of legal advice or recommendations.

12.3 Ethical Frameworks

12.3.1 Some (of many) Ethical Frameworks 1

Consequentialist or Utilitarianism: greatest balance of good over harm (groups/individual).

  • Focus is on the consequences.
  • Choose the future outcomes that produce the most good.
  • Compromise is expected as the end justifies the means.

Duty or Deontology: Do your Duty , Respect the Rules, Be Fair, Follow Divine Guidance.

  • Focus is on the rules and whether the act violated the rules regardless of consequences.
  • Do what is “right” regardless of the consequences or emotions.
  • Everyone has the same duties and ethical obligations at all times.

Virtues: Live a Virtuous Life by developing the proper character traits.

  • Focus is on what society would say what a virtuous person would do.
  • Ethical behavior is whatever a virtuous person would do.
  • Tends to reinforce local cultural norms as the standard of ethical behavior.


  • Focus on the rights of the affected stakeholders, both individuals and groups.
  • Ethical behavior does not result in a violation of someone’s rights.
  • How do we know agree on is a “right” versus a “privilege” or “benefit”?

Frameworks can conflict with each other or are “wrong” in the extreme.

No single or simple right answer!

12.3.2 Using Frameworks in Ethical Decisions

  1. Recognize There May Be an Ethical Issue.
    • Assess the underlying definitions, facts, and assumptions and constraints
  2. Consider the Parties Involved, the stakeholders.
    • What individuals or groups might be harmed or benefit, and by when.
  3. Gather all Relevant Information. Are you missing key facts? Are they knowable?
  4. Formulate Actions and Evaluate under Alternative Frameworks.
    • What will produce the most good and do the least harm? ( Utilitarian)
    • What will be in accordance with existing rules or principles? (Duty)
    • What leads me to act as the sort of person I want to be? (Virtues)
    • What respects the rights of everyone affected by the decision? (Rights)
    • What treats people equally, equitably, or proportionately? ( Justice)
    • What serves the entire community, not just some members? (Common Good)
  5. Examine Alternatives and Make a Decision.
  6. Act and Observe.
  7. Assess and Reflect on the Outcomes.

If you don’t like the outcomes, restart the process.

12.4 Identifying Ethical Issues

12.4.1 Our Biased Brains Helped Us Survive

Our brains have evolved mechanisms to make quick decisions.

These are the source of “Unconscious Biases” or “Implicit Biases”.

Humans get comfortable with patterns which can lead to systematic deviations from making rational judgments.

Ethical Challenges can arise from our own implicit biases or the implicit biases of others affecting our data, thoughts, and actions.

Short-term choices under stress may be bad in the long run ….

12.4.2 Given Bias in Data and Algorithms are DS Systems Ethical?

Not a new issue - goes back decades. However, the explosive growth of AI systems to support and even make decisions is generating concerns.

Active area for research and publication

12.4.3 Three Articles for Consideration

  1. Higher error rates in classifying the gender of darker-skinned women than for lighter-skinned men (O’Brien 2019)

  2. Big Data used to generate unregulated e-scores in lieu of FICO scores for Credit in Lending] is on Canvas. (Bracey and Moeller 2018)

  3. Learning Analytics Can Violate Student Privacy (Raths 2018)

Discussion Questions

  • Is there an ethical issue or more than one? What is it?
  • Who is affected and who is responsible?
  • What would you do differently or recommend?

12.4.4 More Examples of Ethical Issues

  • Contradictions and competition among legal, professional, and ethical guidelines.
  • Using biased data ( even unknowingly) or eliminating extreme values or small groups.
  • Using Proxies for “Protected” Attributes (even unknowingly).
  • Protection of Intellectual Property versus Explainability, Transparency and Accountability
  • Law of Unintended Consequences - people will use your products and solutions in “creative” ways that - May not align with your principles, or, - Be technically inappropriate.

So what can you do? What should you do?

12.5 Practicing Responsible Data Science.

What Can You Do? What Should You Do?

12.5.1 Consider Ethical Choices Across the DS Life Cycle

Responsible Data Science Life Cycle: Ask a question to Observe Outcomes

Ask a question: Equity or equality ? Stakeholders and Trade offs ? What are our interests? Recency or Confirmation Bias?

Frame the Analysis: What is the population? Role of proxy variables? How are metrics for “fairness”affecting groups/individuals? Do we need an IRB(APA 2022)?

Get Data: How was it collected? Was informed consent required/given? Is there balanced representation ? Selection Bias? Availability Bias? Survivorship Bias?

Shape Data: Are we aggregating distinct groups? How do we treat missing data? Are we separating training and testing data ?

Model and Analyze: How are we documenting assumptions, treating extreme values, or checking over-fitting? Are we checking multiple fairness and performance metrics?

Communicate Results: Are the graphs misleading? Did we cherry pick or data snoop? Are we reporting \(p\)-values and hyper-parameters?

Deploy/Implement: Is the deployment accessible to all?

Observe Outcomes: Can we check assumptions and analyze outcomes for bias?

Are we following professional guidelines from ASA, ACM, INFORMS, …?

12.5.2 Consider Frameworks for Responsible Data Science

Published by the Royal Statistical Society and the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries in A Guide for Ethical Data Science

  1. Start with clear user need and public benefit
  2. Be aware of relevant legislation and codes of practice
  3. Use data that is proportionate to the user need
  4. Understand the limitations of the data
  5. Ensure robust practices and work within your skill set
  6. Make your work transparent and be accountable
  7. Embed data use responsibly

(RSS-IFA 2021)

Department of Defense AI Capabilities shall be:

  • Responsible. … exercise appropriate levels of judgment and care, while remaining responsible for the development, deployment, and use….

  • Equitable. … take deliberate steps to minimize unintended bias in AI capabilities.

  • Traceable. … develop and deploy AI capabilities such that relevant personnel have an appropriate understanding …, including with transparent and auditable methodologies, data sources, and design procedures and documentation.

  • Reliable. … AI capabilities will have explicit, well-defined uses, and the safety, security, and effectiveness … will be subject to testing and assurance within those defined uses ….

  • Governable. … design and engineer AI capabilities to fulfill their intended functions while possessing the ability to detect and avoid unintended consequences, and the ability to disengage or deactivate deployed systems that demonstrate unintended behavior.

(DoD 2020)

AI Principles

  1. Be socially beneficial.
  2. Avoid creating or reinforcing unfair bias.
  3. Be built and tested for safety.
  4. Be accountable to people.
  5. Incorporate privacy design principles.
  6. Uphold high standards of scientific excellence.
  7. Be made available for uses that accord with these principles.

We will not design or deploy AI in the following application areas: Weapons, Surveillance, …

(GoogleAI 2022)

IBM Principles for Trust and Transparency

  1. The purpose of AI is to augment human intelligence. The purpose of AI and cognitive systems developed and applied by IBM is to augment – not replace – human intelligence.
  2. Data and insights belong to their creator.
  • IBM clients’ data is their data, and their insights are their insights. Client data and the insights produced on IBM’s cloud or from IBM’s AI are owned by IBM’s clients. We believe that government data policies should be fair and equitable and prioritize openness.
  1. New technology, including AI systems, must be transparent and explainable.
  • For the public to trust AI, it must be transparent. Technology companies must be clear about who trains their AI systems, what data was used in that training and, most importantly, what went into their algorithm’s recommendations. If we are to use AI to help make important decisions, it must be explainable.

(IBM 2019)

A guide to Building “Trustworthy” Data Products

Based on the golden rule: Treat others’ data as you would have them treat your data

  • Consent - Get permission from the owners or subjects of the data before …

  • Clarity - Ensure permission is based on a clear understanding of the extent of your intended usage

  • Consistency - Build trust by ensuring third parties adhere to your standards/agreements

  • Control (and Transparency) - Respond to data subject requests for access/modification/deletion, e.g., the right to be forgotten

  • Consequences (and Harm) - Consider how your usage may affect others in society and potential unintended applications.

(Loukides, Mason, and Patil 2018)

12.5.3 To Be an Ethically Responsible Data Scientist …

Integrate ethical decision making into your environment.

As Davy Crockett might say, “Try to be sure you are right, then Go Ahead!”

12.5.4 Stay Current on Emerging Ideas

Try to stay on the fast moving train that is Responsible Data Science.

12.6 Considerations for Responsible Data Science Summary

After completing this section, you should now be able to demonstrate the LOs:

  • Differentiate legal, professional, and ethical considerations.
  • Identify and interpret professional Codes of Conduct.
  • Apply Philosophical Frameworks for ethical reasoning.
  • Identify sources of potential ethical issues in Data Science.
  • Practice responsible data science from legal, professional, and ethical perspectives.

You should also have greater competence in considering choices that practice and promote responsible data science today, and in the future.

Finally, when it comes to responsible Data Science, Jane Adams reminds us that thinking about ethics is not enough, …

“Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics.”

  1. Brown University (2021)↩︎