Estate Data


July 29, 2024

Estate Data

  • Data

  • Data Source:

  • Description: Data on 522 home sales in a Midwestern city during the year 2002.

  • Variables: The 13 variables are

    • Price: Sales price of residence (in dollars)
    • Area: Finished area of residence (in square feet)
    • Bed: Total number of bedrooms in residence
    • Bath: Total number of bathrooms in residence
    • AC: 1 = presence of air conditioning, 0 = absence of air conditioning
    • Garage: Number of cars that a garage will hold
    • Pool: 1 = presence of a pool, 0 = absence of a pool
    • Year: Year property was originally constructed
    • Quality: Index for quality of construction. High, Medium, or Low.
    • Style: Categorical variable indicating architectural style
    • Lot: Lot size (in square feet)
    • Highway: 1 = highway adjacent, 0 = highway not adjacent.
  • Records: 522

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