Civil War Battles


July 29, 2024

Civil War Battles

  • Data: Civil War Battles
  • Data Source: A table from a Wikipedia page thanks to David Gerard
  • Description: The table contains the 384 battles that were classified by the Civil War Sites Advisory Commission (CWSAC) in its 1993 report to Congress on the Nation’s Civil War Battlefields.
  • Filename: civil_war.csv
  • Variables:
    • Battle: Name of the battle
    • Date: The date or dates of the battle
    • State: State Name and civil war context as appropriate
    • CWSAC: The CWSAC rating for the military significance of the battle: A (Decisive), B (Major), c (Formative), or D (Limited)
    • Outcome: Victory status (Union, Confederate or Inconclusive) with Notes
  • Records: 384
  • Download Link: